If you know me even a little bit, you probably know how terrible I am at making decisions. Honestly, I'm truly terrible at it, so you can imagine how difficult it's been for me to work through a decision that's going to (minimally) impact the next 3-4 years of my life: where to go to grad school.
Now, part of the decision was made for me by admissions committees that decided to pass on my applications. A bit disappointing, of course, but at least this eliminated the choice of where I'd want to live. At the end of the entire process, I was left with offers from 2 universities, both in Montreal, Canada.
Both schools have pro's and con's (and yes, I made a list), but in the end I had to listen to:
- what people said about the importance of the relationship with my future supervisor,
- some incredibly quotable advice happiness and life,
- and ultimately my gut.
All that being said, I'm happy to share that come September, I will be attending Concordia University as a PhD student in psychology! I'll be working within the Infant Research Laboratory on bilingual language acquisition (I could go on about the supervisor and the research and all that, but I'll spare you the probably-boring details).
I'm excited and terrified, and sure I'll learn a lot while I'm there. New country, new degree, new adventures!
I'm excited and terrified, and sure I'll learn a lot while I'm there. New country, new degree, new adventures!
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