The past couple months has been a weird mix of doing a lot, doing nothing, traveling, and staying home. So what exactly has been going on? Mostly thesising. I can't tell you how many times I've read through the same 60 or so pages, trying to find every way possible to make it even a bit better (hello, perfectionism), and I'm still not done! Granted, I have to finish in the next few days, and there was a slight delay due to my supervisor deciding a vacation in Greece was more important than a random master's student's thesis. It's been such a long process, and I am so ready to be done with it. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed parts of it, but it's really been the only thing I've been focusing on for over 5 months, and it's time to occupy my thoughts with something else... A while back I wrote a short description of what my project was, and I bet you're all dying to know what the results are, right? Well, basically, I found that monol...
A personal blog on my journeys across the globe and through academia