Innocent, well-meaning, new acquaintance: So what do you study? Me: Linguistics Them: Oh! How many languages do you speak? Me: *mentally picturing lasers darting out of my eyes* This conversation is well-known to virtually everyone who has ever studied the misunderstood topic of linguistics. To be fair, it's not a very popular one, so I don't expect people to know all of its intricacies. But I'd prefer it if people asked questions about it instead of assuming. To put it another way: asking a linguist how many languages they speak is like asking someone majoring in journalism which newspaper they study, or asking a doctor how many diseases they have. A bit odd, no? My goal is to make the conversation at the beginning of this post just as odd. So - what is linguistics??? In the shortest definition, linguistics is the study of language. Note how that's singular. Linguists can study a particular language or group of languages, but more often than not, ...
A personal blog on my journeys across the globe and through academia