As to be expected, I'm not always the greatest at writing these posts immediately. Especially when my November was a bit scattered and December is always a bit hectic as well. At least I'm finally getting around to writing down my trips to Montreal and New York City. My trip to Montreal was mostly business/school related. The main purpose was for me to go and visit labs at two universities that are on my list as potential places for me to go and do a lot of hard work for a few years, and hopefully get a fancy sheet of paper and a few more letters after my name out of it. The details of these visits are probably a bit boring for anyone who's not gone through this same process themselves, so I'll just say that I'm glad that I went and was able to meet the professors in person (Family members I'll be seeing over the holidays: Yes, I've submitted all my applications - four of them. No, I don't have a top choice. I'll pretty much go wherever accepts me ...
A personal blog on my journeys across the globe and through academia